Thursday, February 12, 2009

the pathetic pads, the flailing friars

If you read yesterday morning's Onion-Tribunal, you probably read the column with Nick Canepa and Tim Sullivan debating who was the bigger bust, Ryan Leaf or Matt Bush? In my opinion, I think the question is which ORGANIZATION is the bigger bust when it came to picking Ryan Leaf or Matt Bush. The choice of Your Morning Hot Miltchocklit? Your Pathetic Pads. Your Flailing Friars. You have to remember that back in '98, the Chargers HAD to pick a quarterback. There was no choice in the matter. If the Bolts had picked a player at any other position than quarterback, the team would have been filleted by Charger fans and every Sportstalk Radio Host and TV Talking Head in existence. Even though there was this great debate over which quarterback San Diego should pick, Indianapolis had the first selection in the draft and Bill Polian was no fool. He did his homework. I think we all knew the Colts were going to pick Peyton Manning which left the Chargers with no choice but to pick Ryan Leaf. Over the years I have heard many times about the Chargers not doing their due diligence on Ryan Leaf's nasty disposition. True or not, what difference would that have made? In the end the San Diego Chargers had no choice but to pick Ryan Leaf and hope for the best. San Diego's baseball franchise is a totally different story. The Padres had the choice to pick any player they wanted to and picked Matt Bush. I am a Mission Bay High alumnus and I was pissed off. None of the players passed over for Bush are total superstars, but, none of them have been complete morons like Bush. The Flailers make the excuse of other players being Scott Boras clients and about how much money those players might take to sign, however, you have to remember a couple things. 1; John Moores had gotten his new ballpark and real estate empire downtown and even though the statement wasn't exactly uttered by Moores, it was inferred and believed by Padres' fans that the team would start shelling out more dead presidents for better quality players on the team. True or not, that's what Padre fan thought. Matt Bush don't count as spendin' more dead presidents. 2; Once again, when you want to throw around the "not doing due diligence on personality issues" accusations, it's the Padres, not the Chargers, that fit the bill! All the Flailing Friars had to do was ask around ol' MB High, just a few miles from Petco Park, and they would have gotten all the info necessary. If they did so, they ignored it. So, in the end, the Pathetic Pads just didn't want to spend the caaaaash and we all know that's true. Yes, Ryan Leaf was an absolute disaster and an embarrasment not only to the San Diego Chargers, but the city of San Diego itself. But, the Matt Bush debacle shows me that the Padres just didn't give a damn about the product they put on the field, they didn't think to maybe reward their fans and the city that shelled out the money for the flawed palace on Tony Gwynn Drive, they only gave a damn about the money. That's what makes the Pathetic Pads, the Flailing Friars, the loser in this comparo. Bring on Jeff Moorad! We can only go up from here.

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